f The Wittenberg Door: No Plan B

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Commenting on Christendom, culture, history, and other oddities of life from an historic Protestant perspective.

Friday, March 14, 2014

No Plan B

Recording artist Odd Thomas wrote and performed a spoken word poetry piece concerning discipleship, titled “No Plan B.” In the piece, Thomas compares the “fast-food mentality” of American Culture at large with the way the American Church approaches the Great Commission and discipleship. He describes the sinful way in which many evangelicals go about their lives’ personal pursuits, disregarding actual evangelism, expecting others (clergy, missionaries, theologians, etc.) to “pick up the slack.”

Thomas also decries the prevalence of pantheistic, pluralistic, post-modernistic worldviews in the church. He challenges the listener to survey their local congregation on definitions of terms which should be Theology 101 for believers: the Gospel (Heidelberg Catechism question and answer #1), faith (Heidelberg Catechism question and answer #21), the chief end of man (Westminster Larger Catechism question and answer #1), and the greatness of God (Belgic Confession of Faith, Article #1). He contends that the probable answers will be a mix of allusions to hope, heavily tainted with humanism, drenched with doses of mysticism and large quantities of moralism.

Finally he asserts that the church’s failure to fervently evangelize is law-breaking. He states that true repentance from this sin exists in confession of rebellion and selfishness; and, in reconsidering redemption…Plan A. He describes this plan in terms of a pre-creation covenant amongst the three persons of the Trinity, to save fallen men and women. In this covenant, the Father planned redemption for specific individuals, the Son purposed to purchase those whom the Father chose, and the Spirit would then execute the application of the plan in the hearts, minds, and lives of these people.

Click here to see and hear the performance of the poem.

--The Deacon



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